Shujun Wang, a 76-year-old Chinese-American, is now facing up to 25 years in prison after being found guilty of espionage, working on behalf of the Chinese government.
Categories: Blake WolfBrooklynBusinessChinese GovernmentChinese pro-democracy movementChinese-AmericanCounterintelligenceDavid Laufmanespionageexport controlFBIFederal Bureau of Investigationfederal juryFeng HeFlushingHong Kong democracy protestersIntelligenceJanuary 9thJie JiJudge Denny ChinJustice DepartmentKeqing LuMing LiMinistry of State SecurityMSSNew YorkOAN NewsroomQueenssentencingShujun WangspyTaiwanese independence advocatesTibetan activistsTodays HeadlinestrialUnited States Attorney’s OfficeUS Attorney Breon PeaceUyghur activistsWeChatZachary Marguil-Ohnuma