A PhD student who is accused of allegedly killing her close friend’s newborn baby and injuring his twin brother could soon face the death penalty, shocking the suspect’s family and legal defense team.
Categories: Abril Elfiaggravated assaultAllegheny District Attorney’s OfficeAri KatzarraignmentAttorneybabysittingblunt-force traumabrain bleedsBusinesschargedChild Abusechild endangermentcrimeDavid Shragerdeath penaltyEthan KatzGovernor Josh Shapirohomicidehomicide chargesinjuringInnocencekillinglawlegal proceedingsLeon Katznewborn babyNicole VirziOAN NewsroomPennsylvaniaPhD studentpreliminary hearingSavannah Robertsskull fractureTodays Headlinestorturetrusted family friendtwin