Hillary Clinton asserted that former President Donald Trump is a “danger to our country and the world,” just one day after a 58-year-old man camped out for 12 hours and attempted to murder the GOP presidential candidate.
Categories: Abril ElfiAK-47 riflebackpacksButlerCountrydangerdemagoguerydistanceDonald Trump Jr.Former President Donald TrumpGoProgunmanHarry EvansHillary ClintonJuly 13thKamala Harris supporterleftwing flamesMartin CountymercilessMSNBCOAN NewsroomobjectivityPennsylvaniaPolitical violencepresident bidenRachel MaddowRyan Wesley Routhscopesecond assassination attemptSecret ServiceThomas Matthew CrooksTodays HeadlinesTrump golf courseTrump rallyWORLD