President Donald Trump slammed the “Failing New York Times” outlet for their March 20th report claiming that Special Government Employee (SGE) Elon Musk will be briefed on potential war plans against China, prompting Trump to respond by labeling the report as “completely untrue.”
Categories: 20 to 30 slidesanonymous U.S. officialsBlake WolfBriefingBusinessChinaChinese officialsCNNDefense SecretaryDonald TrumpefficienciesElon MuskFailing New York Timesfake newsfinancial interestsinnovationlibelousMaggot Hagermanmaliciously false informationmilitary plansOAN NewsroomPentagonPete HegsethPropagandaprosecutionsPulitzer prizeRussia hoaxsmarter productionTechTECHNOLOGYTeslaTodays Headlineswar plans