Billionaire hedge funder John Paulson has claimed he will remove his money from the U.S. markets if Vice President Kamala Harris stays in the White House for another four years in the upcoming November presidential election.
Categories: 25 percent taxArtBiden AdministrationbondsBusinesscashcentralized price controlsChild Tax CreditComrade KamalaCongressECONOMYfederal down payment assistancefirst-time homebuyersFloridaFOODfox businessGOLDGOPgovernment spending programshomesHouse SpeakerinflationJames Meyersjob creationJohn PaulsonJohnson R-La.Middle ClassNovember 5th electionOAN Newsroomoprah winfreyPalm BeachPaulson & Co.real wagesrentStock MarketSTOCKSThe Claman CountdownTodays HeadlinesTrump campaignU.S. marketsunrealized gainsVice-president Kamala Harris