John Deere Introduces New Generation Of Autonomous Tractors And Trucks To ‘Address Labor Shortage’
John Deere has recently unveiled plans to introduce autonomous farming vehicles as it looks forward to the future of farming technology.
John Deere has recently unveiled plans to introduce autonomous farming vehicles as it looks forward to the future of farming technology.
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Brooke Rollins, a former White House domestic policy adviser, to serves as his agriculture secretary in his new administration.
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Denmark proposed a “flatulence tax” plan that allegedly garnered industry-wide support and is anticipated to be adopted by the national legislature, outlet Euro News reported.
Weather experts say that Mexico CIty, Mexico, could run out of drinking water by the end of June, which is called by residents “Day Zero.”
On Wednesday, Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation outlawing the production and distribution of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida.
Ireland has presented a new proposal which include killing 200,000 cows in order to combat climate change and meet the European Union’s climate change goals.