Anthony Weiner’s Strange Reaction During a Recent Podcast
Comedian and Political Commentator, Bobby Sausalito, discusses the latest in culture news – including Anthony Weiner’s live meltdown, a golf protest and the continued Bud Light controversy.
Pastor on Trump Trial Date Announcement and J6 Political Prisoners
Head of Pastors For Trump and Pastor of Sheridan Church, discusses the latest on the continued campaign to stop President Trump and updates on J6 political prisoners.
California Governor Gavin Newsome Fines School District
CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, Alex Newman, discusses the latest radical move from the greasy Governor, fining a school district $1.5 million for not including specific textbooks.
John Forbes Kerry Radical Liberal Hypocrisy
Director of the Center for Energy and Environment at Heritage Foundation, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, discusses House Republicans latest action to defund the “Office of the Climate Czar.”
Proposed State Gun Control Legislation
Director of Political Operations, National Association of Gun Rights, Austin Hein, discusses a new proposed gun control bill in Massachusetts, HD 4420.