Google stopped Samsung from installing search app – ex-executive
A former executive at Samsung Electronics’ venture capital arm faced pushback due to pressure from Google.
A former executive at Samsung Electronics’ venture capital arm faced pushback due to pressure from Google.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz tells One America News AT&T’s DirecTV unit is engaging in ‘political discrimination and censorship’ by de-platforming OAN and Newsmax.
While lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been weighing in and condemning big cable provider DirecTV’s latest efforts to silence conservative news channels – the effort to fight back is also rumbling on a state level.
Two GOP lawmakers tell One America News that they are calling for congressional hearings and an investigation into the deplatforming of conservative news outlets OAN and Newsmax by AT&T’s Direct TV programming provider.
Two out of three major conservative news outlets are officially off the airwaves for DirecTV cable customers. AT&T’s cable division discontinued NEWSMAX’s contract in much the same way it had discontinued One America New’s contract earlier last year