Lake: I’m Running For Senate For My Children’s Future
Arizona Senate Candidate Kari Lake takes aim at President Biden for not making the border a top priority as the Tucson sector has seen tens of thousands of migrants apprehended over the last three weeks.
Two Lebanese Nationals Arrested At Southern Border
The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have arrested two Lebanese nationals at the southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas.
AOC Slams Biden Over Border Wall
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) slams President Joe Biden for prompting a “cruel policy” by adding 20 miles to the border wall.
Elon Musk Live Streams From Southern Border, Discussing Migration Crisis
Elon Musk live-streamed his visit to the Texas-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, giving viewers a glimpse of the area with the ongoing migrant crisis.
Elon Musk Supports Border Wall, Says Migrants Should Have ‘Evidence’ They Need Asylum
Elon Musk asserted that he is in support of a Mexico-United States border wall and says migrants need to show evidence in order to receive asylum.
Illegal Immigrants Mount Foreign Flag On Texas Land While Crossing Rio Grande
According to border officials, illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande attempted to show pride for their country and claim Texas land by mounting and flying a foreign flag.