Parents outraged over whipped cream licking contest at a middle school
Some middle school parents in a Washington state district are furious after seeing a video from a school assembly that showed teachers and children competing in whipped cream-licking contests.
New legal recommendations backed by U.N. normalizes pedophilia, angry critics allege
A concerning report published last month by international legal experts with support from the United Nations (U.N.) seems to widen the door for the acceptance of sex with minors.
North Dakota Gov. signs bill preventing trans-athletes from joining female sports teams
Governor Doug Burgum has signed two bills into law on Tuesday night that forbid transgender individuals from playing on female sports teams in grades Kâ12, as well as higher education.
Christian mother sues state of Oregon over denied adoption due to her gender beliefs
A mother of five from Oregon alleges that her gender-related religious convictions prevented her from adopting two siblings in her state, and she is now suing to defend her First Amendment rights.
5 Connecticut kids killed in car accident on NY trip
Authorities are looking into a horrific car accident that happened over the weekend in Westchester County, New York, that claimed the lives of five Connecticut children.
Obesity drugs and surgery for kids?
Pharmaceuticals and surgery now recommended as an early step for childhood obesity. What could go wrong?