Biden Administration
Biden Administration Announces $7.4B Student Debt Cancellation
The Biden Administration has announced they are canceling an additional $7.4 billion in student loan debt just ahead of the upcoming presidential election.
James Biden: My Brother Gave Me $40K, $200K Loans For Chinese Company
James Biden, brother of President Joe Biden, confirmed that his older brother gave him a couple of loans that purportedly went to the CCP-linked energy firm CEFC China Energy.
credit card
U.S. Credit Card Debt Reaches Record High $1.13T
Credit card debt across the United States hits another record high, according to the latest report.
Biden Administration
New Biden rule will redistribute high risk loan costs to homeowners with good credit
A new Biden administration rule that is set to go into effect will force homeowners with good credit to pay more on their mortgages in order to subsidize loans to high-risk borrowers.