Biden to cancel $39 billion in student debt
The Biden administration announced that it will be cancelling a total of $39 billion in student debt, affecting around 804,000 borrowers.
The Biden administration announced that it will be cancelling a total of $39 billion in student debt, affecting around 804,000 borrowers.
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deployed a large number of warplanes and navy ships towards Taiwan in the last three days.
A new Illinois law will require landlords to rent or sell property to undocumented migrants, adding immigration status to the list of protected classes in the Illinois Human Rights Act.
This year’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, ended with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy receiving more pledges of weapons and ammunition from the West in order to fight Russia’s invasion, however, no clear timeline or path for his country to join NATO was given.
Elon Musk took to Twitter to announce his new Artificial Intelligence company called xAI.
During a recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, President Joe Biden admitted that the United States is “low” on ammunition after sending multiple military aid packages to Ukraine.
At least three people are dead and 14 injured after a Greyhound bus crashed into three other vehicles early on Wednesday morning in Illinois.
Federal regulators found that Bank of America had deceived and harmed customers by double-dipping on fees, withholding credit card rewards and opening fake accounts.
James Lewis, the prime suspect in the cyanide-laced Tylenol poisonings that killed seven people in 1982 died has on Sunday, at 76-years-old.
Lawyers for 45th President Donald Trump requested an indefinite delay to the criminal trial over his alleged mishandling of classified documents until after the 2024 presidential election.