A federal judge ruled on Monday that Google violated U.S. antitrust laws with its online search business, handing the tech giant a staggering court defeat with the potential to reshape how millions of Americans get information online, and potentially ending the decades of dominance.
Categories: AI search toolsAmazonAmericansantitrust defeatantitrust lawappealAppleArtificial IntelligenceBusinessCaliforniacompaniescompetitioncourt defeatdefault choicedevicesDistrict of ColumbiadominanceeMarketerEvelyn Mitchell-Wolfevidencefederal judgefederal juryGoogleillegal monopolyinformationiPhonesJames MeyersJudge Amit P. Mehtamonopoly powerMozillaOAN NewsroomonlinePenaltiesproprietary app storeremediessafarisearch ad revenuesearch businessSection 2Sell-offSherman ActsmartphonesTechtech antitrust casestech giantTECHNOLOGYThe New York TimesTodays HeadlinesU.S.U.S. District Courtweb browserswitness testimony