Kevin Costner joked that he was ready to blockade rich people on their yachts unless they gave him money to finance his planned four-part series.
Categories: 1800sAbbey LeeAmerican IndiansAmerican WestCaliforniaCannes Film FestivalchequebookCivil WarDale DickeyDances With WolvesEntertainmentEuropean locationsfilmfilmingfinancial backingfirst two partsgranddad cinemaHorizon: An American SagaJena MaloneKevin Costnermixed reviewsMortgageMovienews conferencenorth americaout of competitionpremieringRed carpetsettlersSienna MillerThe GuardianThe Telegraphthird chapterTodays Headlineswaterfront propertyWestern seriesyellowstone