Police have revealed that Riley Strain, the college student that was found in a Nashville river, had consumed 12 to 15 drinks before he died.
Categories: .228 blood alcohol content22-year-oldAbril Elfialcoholalcohol contentAttorneyAutopsybar visitsbody foundbus driverBusescumberland riverDavid EaslickDelta ChiDelta Chi rulesdrowningethanol intoxicationfightfraternityfraternity brothersfraternity formalheavy drinkinghomeless manhotelinjuriesintoxicationIPAsLuke Bryan's barMarch 22ndMarch 8thmargaritamissingNashvilleno alcohol ruleno conduct violationsOAN Newsroomprivate eventriley strainriverstudent deathssurveillance footageTodays HeadlinesUniversity of Missourivodka shots