San Diego County’s Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 to become a “super” sanctuary county, attempting to prohibit the usage of county resources to support federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from deporting illegal immigrant criminals.
Categories: Blake WolfBoard of SupervisorsBorder CzarBusinesscalifornia lawCalifornia Sanctuary State lawscommunity trustCounty Chairwoman Nora Vargascounty jailscounty resourcescrimeDeportationequityfederal responsibilityICEillegal migrant criminalsimmigrationImmigration and Customs EnforcementJusticelawlaw enforcementlegislationMass DeportationOAN NewsroompolicypoliticsPresident-elect Donald Trumppublic safetySAn Diego CountySan Diego County Sheriff's Officesuper sanctuary countySupervisor Jim DesmondTodays Headlinestom homanunity